Master SQL for Data Science
A followup SQL course to the SQL bootcamp. 9 hours of instruction that reinforced things I already knew while also introducing new concepts such as window functions, case clauses and correlated subqueries.
The complete SQL bootcamp: Zero to Hero
My first SQL course which took 9 hours to complete. Went over basic syntax, common commands on SQL like joins, comparison operators, string operations and more.
Learn Python Programming Masterclass
My first python course on udemy going over the fundamentals of python — my first programming language. Without this course I would not have continued my learning in python. A total of over 50 hours of lectures which broke everything down for me.
15 days of PowerBI
By far one of the most indepth powerbi courses on Udemy, helped me go from “zero to hero” in a rapid pace and lead me to get my microsoft powerbi certificate